Here are some articles (and videos and lectures and podcasts and TED Talks) all about our new favorite topic: doing things later!

Newspaper article: “Why You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do with Self-Control)”

By looking at recent scientific research on procrastination, this New York Times article asks (and answers) the question: “If procrastination isn’t about laziness, what is it about?” Click on the photo to go to the NYT. For a PDF, click here.

Podcast: “Procrastination is More than Putting things off. Here’s How to Kick the Habit.”

This 21-minute NPR podcast covers some of the topics covered in the New York Times article, but also talks specifically about perfectionism— specifically as it relates to people of color. Well worth the listen!!

Magazine article: “Later”

This New Yorker article looks at the philosophy of procrastination— not just how we feel anxious or worried, but how we might be splitting our present self from our future self— and what we can do about it! Click on the photo to go to the article in the New Yorker. For a PDF, click here

Lecture: “Procrastination and Obedience”

In 1991, George Akerlof, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics had a problem: he couldn’t bring himself to mail a package. For MONTHS! This led him to research procrastination, its causes, and its effects on crime, economics and politics. His lecture was put into print. It’s hard to read— but worth it!

Video: “Procrastination”

In this video, artist John Kelly uses his propensity to procrastinate as a way to both write a list poem and to combine that poem with striking visuals. It’s hard to understand without watching, so… watch it!

How To Article: “So You Want to Write an Article on Procrastination”

Okay, you’ve read (and watched, and listened to) A LOT on procrastination by now. You’ve probably started to recognize some patterns in articles on the subject. So has the team at Procrastination and Science. In this short article, they give a run-down of what they’ve noticed in most procrastination articles. It’s funny, but also informative.

TikTok: “Perfectionism Can Show up as Procrastination”

Nicole Lewis describes herself as a “Black Therapist and Coach” and here, she walks us through how wanting to be perfect can lead to not getting started at all! She also gets into how perfectionism can get started.

TED Talk: “The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers”

Best-selling author and expert on motivation, Adam Grant, argues here that procrastination isn’t always bad. In fact, according to Grant, sometimes we need to procrastinate in order for our creativity to take hold!

Blog: “Procrastination as a Virtue for Creativity: Why it’s False.”

Surprise! Not everybody on the internet agrees with each other! In this Psychology Today blog, psychiatrist and procrastination expert, Timothy Pychyl argues against Adam Grant’s view of procrastination and creativity— claiming that postponing creative tasks because they’re not ready yet isn’t procrastination— it’s healthy delay. (Btw— if you scroll down, you’ll see a ton of other blogs Dr. Pychyl has written about procrastinating!)